November is National Diabetes Awareness Month
Almost 24 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, over 5 million people have diabetes and do not know it. Another 57 million have pre-diabetes. The people most at risk for type 2 diabetes are over 45, overweight, sedentary, and have a family history of diabetes. Anyone with these characteristics should see a doctor every three years to be tested for diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body uses food. It causes blood glucose levels (blood sugar) to be too high.
Are you at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes? Learn more at or attend the Wellness Wednesdays Program The ABC's of Diabetes on Wednesday Nov. 2nd from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Campus Center Room 148. A Registered Dietician will present and free glucose testing will also be offered.
Questions? Contact the Wellness Educator at 317-274-WELL