Thursday, October 13, 2011

BYOB: Alcohol 101

BYOB: Alcohol 101
  • Did you know that women absorb alcohol into the bloodstream faster and metabolize it slower than men?
  • Did you also know that one drink is considered one 12 oz beer, one 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof liquor or a 4-5 oz glass of wine?

Want to learn more about alcohol and its effects? Did you realize that your blood alcohol level continues to rise even after you’ve stopped drinking?

Come learn how to survive the college drinking scene at BYOB: Alcohol 101 on Wednesday Oct. 19th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Campus Center 148. This program is part of the Wellness Wednesdays Program Series. For more information, please contact Emily Werner at or call 317-274-WELL. This program is sponsored by Student Health Services, part of the Division of Student Life.

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